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138. Finding Motivation When You Don't Want To i don't want to motivation Jul 12, 2024

Episode Summary:

In this episode, we explore the common feeling of "I don't want to" that arises when facing new or uncomfortable tasks. The discussion includes personal anecdotes, practical tips, and strategies to overcome this mindset and find motivation.


Key Topics:

  1. Understanding the...
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Movement Motivates You motivation movement Jan 16, 2023

You can lose weight without exercise.

Weight Loss without the excruciating workouts. No need to beat yourself & your body Into submission.

Let that sink in for a minute.

However, Movement is important for so many more reasons. Check out this episode & find how movement can work for you.


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700 Fails, What are you starting with? failure learning momentum motivation May 13, 2022

700 Fails is an idea that if you are willing to fail multiple times then you will "fail" your way to success. Some things will work right away and others won't. When you believe you will fail 700 times then it is just moving past one of the Expected fails so you can get on with the next one. This...

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Inspirational Interview with Sam- Her Past, Present, & Future Models - 4/15/22 future inspiration interview journey motivation past present thought models Apr 15, 2022

I interview Sam on her weight loss journey and ran her Past, Present & Future Models. She gave great insight into her journey and is a must listen. You will find so much that you may relate to in your own journey. Inspiration & Motivation!!

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