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135: Lack No More: Weight Loss Success fear lack stack obstacles Jun 21, 2024

 Lack No More: Weight Loss Success, where we dive deep into understanding and overcoming the barriers that keep us from achieving our weight loss goals. Inspired by the insights of Amy Porterfield and Mel Abraham, this episode explores how to break free from the fear and lack mindset that...

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134: Breaking the Rules: Ditching Perfectionism for Real Progress all or nothing obstacles perfection Jun 19, 2024

Breaking the Rules: Ditching Perfectionism for Real Progress

In this episode, we delve into the common pitfalls of all-or-nothing thinking and perfectionism in weight loss. I share a recent conversation with a woman struggling to stick to her plan due to unforeseen obstacles and how we worked...

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Questions, Fears & Obstacles Addressed fears obstacles questions Aug 04, 2023

In this off the cuff episode, I answer all the questions, fears & obstacles that have been sent in. If you have any questions please email them to me at [email protected]


Be sure to listen till the end, I have an invitation just for you!



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Getting Past Writing it Down obstacles plan Nov 12, 2022

Getting past writing it down was originally a Facebook Live Video on 11/3/2022. Where we dive into all the perceived obstacles to writing down and committing to a plan and how to overcome the obstacles.


**Video will look Pixel-y, there were technical issues at time of recording Live.

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20 Pound Summer Challenge - Celebrating Wins & Managing Thoughts celebrate wins goals manage thoughts obstacles Sep 30, 2022


The 20 Pound Summer Challenge has come to a close & it is time to celebrate. 

Celebrate if you hit your goal & if you didn't, Celebrate what you learned.

You will learn your way all the way to your goal and all that learning is the steps to the goal.

Look at all your...

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