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Reinvention: Emotional Ability emotional responsibility feeling the feelings goals manuals reinvention Aug 19, 2022

Reinvention Month, where we dive into where you are already at and where you would like to move to. Emotional Ability is an overhaul of where you are exhibiting emotional responsibility with yourself and others and what manuals  you may have (what you think people should do).


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Happening "to" or "for" you? emotional responsibility responsive vs reactive to or for you Jul 26, 2022

Happening "to" or "for" you?

This is one of those cup half full vs. half empty kind of explanations. As you learn what personality type you identify with, you will see how it is supporting or limiting you. There is no good or bad personality, only what is useful or not.

As you discover how and...

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People Pleaser or Manipulator? emotional responsibility people manipulator people pleaser self validation Jul 19, 2022

Do you think of yourself as a people pleaser? Do you find yourself worried about hurting someone else's feeling so you do all kinds of things to prevent that? Are you the resident volunteer for everything, and just can't seem to say no?

Another coach once said that people pleasers were actually...

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I am here, deal with it! 2/8/2022 affirmations emotional responsibility thoughts Feb 08, 2022

The affirmation I am here, how it brings up all kinds of triggering thoughts. As you learn how to be responsible for your emotions and accepting yourself as you are, you will find so much growth. Learn how you and others can influence each other's thoughts but we are each still responsible for...

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