Freedom in Fulfillment w/ Guest Shannon Stroup

fulfillment purpose special guest Jul 04, 2023

In this episode, host Kara engages in a thoughtful conversation with Shannon Stroup, a life coach for women finding purpose & fulfillment in life. They dive into the topic of finding fulfillment and purpose in midlife, exploring the common feelings of something missing and the desire for something more. Shannon shares insights and practical advice on identifying personal values, discovering hidden strengths, and creating a blueprint for a fulfilling life.


Show Notes:

- Kara and Shannon discuss the feeling of something missing and the desire for more in life. They highlight common signs such as feeling stuck, questioning life decisions, and seeking validation from others.

- Shannon emphasizes the importance of recognizing and questioning these feelings, as they indicate a need for fulfillment and purpose.

- They explore the concept of self-identity beyond societal roles and job titles. Shannon encourages listeners to think about what brings them joy and passion, aside from their roles as mothers, wives, or professionals.

- Kara suggests a guided journaling exercise where individuals write a detailed description of themselves as a product, highlighting their unique qualities and what makes them a good mom, spouse, or individual.

- Shannon explains that finding fulfillment and purpose provides a sense of confidence, belief in oneself, and increased happiness. It also allows for better connections with others and the ability to live authentically.

- They discuss the importance of identifying personal values and pursuing what truly matters to an individual, rather than following societal expectations.

- Shannon shares her 12-week Fulfillment Blueprint program, which helps women navigate the process of finding fulfillment. It involves asking questions about values, current life satisfaction, and desired future outcomes.

- The power profile exercise is mentioned, which helps individuals uncover their hidden strengths and passions.

- Kara and Shannon emphasize the significance of self-care, self-acceptance, and giving oneself permission to prioritize personal fulfillment without guilt.

- Encouraging listeners to explore their passions, set goals, and create a blueprint for a life that truly excites them.


In this thought-provoking episode, Shannon Stroup provides valuable insights and practical strategies for women seeking fulfillment and purpose in midlife. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own values, passions, and desires, and take steps towards creating a life that brings them joy and meaning.

Resources Mentioned:

Free Possibilities Call - use Promo Code: fulfillment to get it free

Shannon's Website




Show Notes & Special Links

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